Comprehensive Guide To Commercial Truck Insurance

A specific kind of insurance coverage created for business carriers and trucking organizations is truck transport insurance. It shields the insured from monetary damages brought on by theft, damage, or loss of the cargo being transported and from liability for injuries or property damage the truck may cause to other people.

Commercial truck insurance in Savannah, GA, covers vehicles moving commodities from one location to another. Businesses can move completed goods and raw materials more quickly. Due to their constant operation, which involves lengthy trips, vehicles are susceptible to various hazards, including collisions, natural disasters, and significant wear and tear. These hazards have associated costs, some of which may become too expensive.

What is Commercial Vehicle Insurance?

Transportation companies can shield themselves from potential financial losses by purchasing commercial truck insurance if their vehicles are stolen, damaged, or involved in accidents. This kind of insurance can cover multiple types of vehicles, such as cars, lorries, vans, and buses.

Commercial truck insurance in Savannah, GA, fills the gap left by personal auto insurance, which usually does not cover automobiles used for work travel.

Liability and physical damage risks not covered by personal auto insurance may be covered by commercial vehicle insurance. In the event of an accident, theft, or damage to your car, this can assist in safeguarding your company.

What Types of Companies Use Commercial Truck Insurance?

When you are planning to get your commercial truck insurance in Savannah, GA, it is essential to know about the types of companies that use commercial truck insurance, including:

Owner-operators: Compared to owner-operators with a lease agreement with a motor carrier, your insurance needs would differ if you own and operate a truck independently.

Motor carriers: These companies use their cars or contract with owner-operators to move their goods. Your business kind will determine the type of insurance you need.

Private carriers: If you deliver items to your employer or another using your car, you should consider obtaining private carrier insurance.

Types of Commercial Truck Coverage Do You Need?

Your specific risk exposures and business characteristics will primarily determine the type of coverage you need for your truck insurance in Savannah, GA. To safeguard their operations, experts advise all trucking companies to think about acquiring the following policies:

Insurance for Commercial Auto Liability

Other names for commercial auto insurance are business auto insurance, commercial vehicle insurance, and, in some cases, truck insurance. Although vehicle insurance is a comprehensive coverage component, truck insurance includes several policies.

Insurance for Physical Damage

Physical damage insurance is crucial if your commercial truck sustains physical damage. This Insurance in Savannah, GA, will assist in paying for any unforeseen costs, including a rental car. At the same time, your automobile is being repaired, and the cost of any necessary replacements or repairs.

Insurance for Cargo on Motor Trucks

One kind of insurance that protects the cargo being transported in a business truck is motor truck cargo insurance. This policy is not the same as the insurance that protects the trucking firm if the products being transported are stolen, damaged, or lost.

General Liability Insurance for Motor Trucks

Motor truck general liability insurance covers the business if a person is hurt or property is damaged due to the trucking company’s negligence. Most states and risk managers require this insurance for any business operating commercial trucks.


Savannah Insurance Advisors protects your company from the effects of collisions caused by drivers who lack insurance or inadequate coverage. It also offers defense against various hazards, including cargo damage, theft, accidents, and liability claims. Contact us to get a commercial truck insurance quote.