Insuring Your Business

Business owner’s insurance, also known as BOP insurance, is a policy that combines both property and liability coverage into one package. It’s popular among a variety of small and medium-sized businesses such as restaurants, wholesalers, retail stores, and contractors. Discover more about BOP coverage, cost, and how you can protect your business through the Progressive Advantage® Business Program.

A BOP contains two coverages:

Liability, which includes protection against liabilities like customer injury and property damage, advertising injury, and product-related claims. Liability coverage doesn’t cover employees though, you’ll need a second policy (workers’ compensation) for that.

As well as Property coverage, which provides protection for commercial buildings and the movable property owned by and used for the business – referred to as business personal property. It can also pay for other things like debris removal, loss of income, and pollution cleanup as part of a covered loss.

Are you looking for a quote? Savannah Insurance Advisors will find you the right company and the right price. Request a quote here!
